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Posts tagged as “deen easy”

A Simple and Rewarding Path

By Faraz Abdul Moid

Allah ’s Secret

 Allah Almighty has kept certain secrets hidden. One such secret is the acceptance of deeds. At times we think, “How can such a small deed lead to Jannah?” The Messenger of Allah (upon him blessings and peace) has ordered us to never take any good deed lightly. A good deed is never insignificant and hence should neither be passed up nor looked upon as trivial. We do not know in which deed lie the keys to our salvation. It may be that a deed we consider as small and insignificant is actually so pleasing to Allah Almighty that He accepts it and in consequence forgives all other shortcomings and mistakes of His servant. As is narrated in a hadith by Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), a prostitute once saw a dog panting out of thirst, so she fed it water to quench it. Consequently, Allah Almighty forgave her (Bukhari).