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Posts tagged as “asking”

A Scholar Saying “I Do Not Know” Raises His Rank

By Shaykh Abd al-Fattāh Abu Ghuddah Abdullah ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنه says: “Knowledge is of three types: the book that is forever speaking (Qur’an), an established sunnah, and ‘I do not know’.”[1] In his explanation to this statement, al-Munāwi رحمه الله says: “It is learnt from this hadith that it is a duty of an ‘Ālim that if he does not know the answer to a question, he should say ‘I do not know’, or, ‘I am not certain’, or, ‘I have no knowledge thereof’, or, ‘Allah knows best’. If a person is asked a question and he replies,…