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Posts tagged as “ashrafiyya”

Mawlana Yunus Patel has Passed Away

Mawlānā Yūnus Patel (ra) of South Africa passed away in al-Masjid al-Harām of Makkah Mukarramah on Tuesday, July 12th, 2011 while facing the Ka`bah. His Janāzah salāt was led in the Haram the following day after Fajr salāt, and his body was laid to rest in the blessed graveyard of Jannat al-Mu`allah. This article was released by Jamiatul Ulama South Africa on the death of Mawlana Yunus Patel. The sound of his words “Allah! Allah!” still vibrates not only within the four walls of Masjid Nur in Asherville, Durban, but in the crannies of thousands of Muslim homes. His ardent…