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Posts tagged as “salah fiqh”

When Does a Latecomer Stand to Complete the Missed Rakāts?

Photo ibnbasheer23 - DarusSalam Foundation (Lombard, IL)
Photo ibnbasheer23 – DarusSalam Foundation (Lombard, IL)

By Mawlana Muhammad ibn Suleman Chothia
In collaboration with Mufti Muhammad Mahdi


If a person missed a rak’ah or rak’āts of fard salāh, should a person stand up to complete his salāh after the first or second salām of the Imām? Some people do it after the first salām and others do it after the second salām. Which is correct?


حامدا ومصليا ومسلما

There seems to be some confusion on this issue for quite some time. Therefore a detailed answer will be needed to clarify the issue with the help of Allah Ta’ala.