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Posts tagged as “mujizah”

Qāri Abdul Bāsit and the Communists: A Story of a Miracle of the Qur’an

Imam Bukhari Masjid located in Uzbekistan, which was formerly part of the Soviet Union’s communist regime.

By Hadhrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad

Extracted from The Treasure of this World and the Hereafter

In 1987, Qari Abdul Basit was visiting America, the same Qari Abdul Basit whose cassettes of the Holy Quran have become famous. Someone asked him once if he had seen a miracle of the Holy Quran, to which Qari Abdul Basit said, “Just one miracle? I can relate thousands which I have seen with my own eyes.” The man asked him to relate some, so Qari Abdul Basit started talking.