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Posts tagged as “ikhtilaf”

Following a Madhhab: A Simple Clarification of a Common Misconception

Mogul architectureBy Mufti Muhammad Sajaad

Edited by IlmGate

Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911 AH) said: “The difference found in the four Schools of Islamic law (Hanafi, Shāfi’ī, Māliki and Hanbali) in this nation is a huge blessing and an enormous virtue. It has a subtle hidden wisdom the intelligent are able to grasp, but the ignorant are blind of. I have even heard some of them say: “The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم came with one law, so where did the four Madhhabs come from?” (Jazeel al-Mawahib, p.4).

Is Following One Of The Four Madhhabs Necessary?

A Self-Assessment