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Posts tagged as “faza’il amaal”

The Issue of Fabrication in Fadā’il A’māl

By Shaykh Mohammed ibn Haroon Abasoomer


In Fazail Amal you will find that some ahadith have been taken from the book called ‘Zailul Aalee’ of Imaam Sooyuti, which means “Tails Of Pearls”, but in the meantime the real name of the book is “Zailul -La’aali-ul-Masnuah fil Ahadethil Maudhoo’ah” which means ’Tails of made up pearls in fabricated ahadeeth’.

On the end of the page 21 and in the beginning of the page 22 in the book of Virtues of Salaat, you will find the words ascribing Kashf of “seeing sins falling down from the limbs of the person performing Wudhu…” to Imaam Aboo Haneefah r.a. Kashf means, in Khandhlawi’s own words “divine manifestation of unseen things” (pg.128 of Virtues of Zikr).