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Posts tagged as “badhlul majhud”

Brushing Up on the Sunnah of Brushing

  By ‘Allamah Imam Khalil Ahmad al-Saharanfuri (Saharanpuri) Translated by Kamil Uddin [This piece is a translation of a commentary of Abu Dawud entitled Badhl al-Majhud fi Hall Sunan Abi Dawud. The commentary is that of ‘Allamah Khalil Ahmad al-Saharanfuri with footnotes provided by the translator. It is from the first hadith in the chapter of siwak (use of the tooth stick.)] The word siwak is defined as that which is used to brush the teeth and is derived from saka yasuku, (which means to brush). The plural of siwak is su’uk just as the plural of kitab is kutub.…