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Posts tagged as “apostate”

Opinions: Between Valid, Invalid, and Heretical

Jami Masjid 3By Shaykh Dr. Shadee Elmasry

The Difference Between A Valid Opinion, An Invalid Opinion, & A Heresy (Zandaqa)

A valid opinion in Islam is an explanation of a piece of evidence (a verse or hadith) that does not contradict another piece of evidence (it must also adhere to the language). A simple example regards the `idda, or waiting period, of a woman after divorce. “Three qurū’” can be understood as three menstrual cycles (therefore two months) or three periods of purity (therefore three months). Both match the language and neither contradicts any other piece of evidence, so here we have a valid difference of opinion. All of the differences in fiqh between the four madhhabs are of this nature.