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Posts tagged as “abdul qadir raipuri”

Environs of Devotional Worship in Ramadan

dome-of-the-rock-calligraphy-surat-yasin-15-17By Dr. Ismail Memon Madani

Translated by Asim Ahmad

The month of Ramadan held a very special place in the life of my shaikh, Shaikh Zakariyyā [Kandhlawi]. Throughout the year he taught, researched, guided students along the spiritual path, wrote, and spread the Dīn, but the month of Ramadan was only for devotion to and remembrance of Allah. The great thinker of Islam, Shaikh Abū al-Hasan ‘Alī Nadwī devoted a chapter in his book The Biography of Hadrat entitled The importance of Ramadan and the devotions of Ramadan in Hadrat Shaikh’s life. This whole chapter is reproduced below for the benefit of the reader.