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Posts published in “Society”

This section includes articles on general social issues, contemporary topics, and da’wah.

Worried about your Sustenance?

By Shaykh Muhammad Saleem DhoratPhoto stinkypasta

Recently, I was approached by a concerned brother who had been facing some difficult times with regards his provision and sustenance. This is something that many of us face at some time in our lives. Naturally, when we are in this situation, we begin to panic and look for ways out. Some bear the situation remaining within the laws of Sharī‘ah and with patience make it through, whilst others fail in this test from Allāh ta‘ālā and take to prohibited means to try to solve their problems.

So, when the brother asked the question, I pondered for a while and the following advices, all based on the Qur’ān and hadīth, came to mind: